Busy busy busy
Time flies! It is hard work, we are tired and we have an insanely exciting journey ahead of us still to come in 2014 – but it is all happening very fast! We always mention how we never anticipated being at this point so soon since moving to Zimbabwe, but here we are after nearly 2 years with a fully sustainable Pre-school and a Primary School in the process to open in 6 months! Mix that in with a little baby Pistachio growing, meaning we are returning to the UK for 5 months – just before the Primary School opens! Leaving us 5 weeks to do 6 months preparations work…
Yet I am so thankful. I am thankful for Greg for being such a supportive husband and father to be and such an inspirational teacher to work alongside. I am thankful for our families for persevering in their encouragement of us and our work here together. I am thankful for our friends who constantly support us. But mostly, I am thankful to God for providing us with not only the initial opportunity to volunteer here in Zim, but for sustaining us whilst we are here and providing us with opportunities beyond our wildest imagination.
Today, we handed over our application for an extension to our visa permit. Big steps! Being provided with such a secure visa will enable us to think big, as God does for us, in terms of how to progress the Primary School and our time here. We ask you to prayerfully consider us as we go through this time, as it is likely the application will be on-going whilst we are out of the country.
An encouragement for us all is the faithfulness of children. I am astounded every day by the strength of the prayers the children pray each morning at school. We have been searching, for a few weeks, for the building plans for our primary school building, as we need them to apply for the permit. After numerous trips to the council offices, I asked our administrator today to go one more time to check with them and to be pushy! Whilst she was gone, I asked the children to pray a simple prayer ‘that auntie Pru would find the big picture of the building’. Well, they prayed, with strong voices and genuine desire in their hearts! Auntie Pru appeared just as the prayers finished, announcing they had found the plans and she was returning momentarily to collect them.
HUGE!! How humbled we are by the faith of these little children. If ever we need reminding of why we are here, we look to them!
So, be encouraged, prayer works! We are the first to admit that we cannot do this alone and seek prayer every day to support us. Please check back for updates on the Primary School, visas, baby and so forth! As usual, we love hearing from you, so please do contact us if you feel the urge!